Friday, December 14, 2007

Mary Had a Little Lamb!

Cannon's preschool did an adorable Christmas production where each class represented the different animals, angels, etc in the manger. He and his classmates were all dressed as sheep. Here's a little video clip. Cannon is on the top row, far left. His best friend Dominic is on the top right dressed as the "black sheep"! hee hee

After their part of the production, the kids filed off the stage... all except for Cannon! He stood there, waiting for specific instructions from his teacher to get off the stage. Too cute!

1 comment:

Manish Batra said...

Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
KP 10.3 Power Wheelchair

Keep Posting:)